Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Rev. Phillips was one of the first Pentecostal pastors who felt called upon by The Lord to visualize the emerging Pentecostal mission and message in the form of charts.  These were drawn by him to visualize his sermons in his effort to deliver "The Word" to the members of his church.  Many of these charts are in the collections of passionate collectors along with museums as The Tubman Museum, of his home town of Macon Georgia.  Now the goal is to retire the remainder of the collection and to find a patron to underwrite this process to donate them to a major institution that will use the remaining lot for appreciation and the study of Pentecostal influenced art in the early to mid 20th Century in the United States of America.

This collection includes hRev. Phillips' actual written sermons, photos of Rev. Phillips leading a chart based Bible study and the typewriter his wife, Naomi, used to type many of his sermons.  An additional treat is a crocheted version of the last summer she created.

The picture below depicts Rev. Phillips in a Bible study in his office/home in 1963. Rev. Phillips is wearing the white shirt.

Interested patrons should contact his grandson, Prof. Turtel Onli at