Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Lindsay Gallery of Columbus Ohio will be featuring a few of the Rev. Phillips' Pentecostal Charts at the Artropolis event in Chicago April 25th to 28th, 2008 at the Merchandise Mart of Chicago IL. Look for the Intuit Show of Folks & Outsider Art. www.lindsaygallery.com

Rev. Samuel David Phillips was an ordained Pentecostal Pastor who was born in Georgia and settled in Chicago during the early part of the 20th century. He is a pioneer of creating images to express the Bible from a Pentecostal perspective. This point of view was fundamental, fresh, and insightful, yet new in the Christian world at that time. He used an visionary interdisciplinary approach by combining spoken word, the Bible, hand written words, and drawn images to reach people. These details show how Rev. Phillips would write Biblical references directly on the charts to link the image to passages in the Bible for purposes of study or meditation. In the photo above Rev. Phillips is leading a study session with a few Elders from the old Progressive Pentecostal Mission explaining an unfinished chart along with a few completed ones. The Mission was located in the traditional Bronzeveille area of Chicago during the 1940s until the mid 1960s.
Interested collectors, researchers, clergy, or students can contact Onli at onli@sbcglobal.net
You may click directly on the images to enlarge them.

Selected charts are available for study, meditation, or collecting via onli@sbcglobal.net

This display shows a photo of the Rev. Phillips and the actual Bibles he used in study and sermons. It was presented at a museum quality exhibition of his charts.

"The Root of Evil" circa 1950s was the featured chart of a powerful series of sermons dealing with money as the root of all evils among men.

This slide show includes work by Rev. Phillips. The Museum of Biblical Art is in New York and can be reached at 212-408-1500
"Jonah and the Great Fish", circa 1950s, drawing materials on oil cloth.

The Biblical charts of Rev. Phillips were displayed at the Intuit Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art of Chicago in 1998. This introduced his important works to people outside of his family and the church community were he served.

Ms Jan Petry, a Board Member of the Intuit Center, was so impressed with Rev. Phillips' charts that she endorsed bringing the show to the Center. She later connected well enough to make the ultimate statement of appreciation. She bought the work shown below from Turtel Onli.

It was used on the cover of Intuit's program catalog celebrating its tenth year of promoting the genre of visual expression.

"Beast of Seven Heads", circa 1950s drawing materials on oil cloth.

"Double Crucifix" Circa 1950s: This a chart that presents the passage brought about by the Crucifixion. It also deals with the fate of the two men who were taken with Jesus in this act of terror and deliverance. It is still a chart with immense study potential.

" ROME" circa 1970 pencils, crayons on oil cloth canvas approximately 46" X 60": With this chart Rev. Phillips would deliver a sermons dealing with how the Romans tried to crush the Christian movement in its empire using a variety of torturous methods. Each method is shown in the chart with the Christian victims all smiling in happiness for the honor to die for their faith. This is one of Rev. Phillips final charts.

This is one of Rev. Phillips' later works. It depicts the cruelty that Christian martyrs suffered at the hands of Roman repression. Torture, murder, stoning, boiling in oil, being buried alive, and even being dismembered are shown in this chart. However on closer examination one sees that the Christian victims appear to be smiling. Happy in the face of such suffering because they are full of their faith in God and all things Christian as they were already Born Again.

All of the images created by the late Rev. Phillips are Copyright 2007 Turtel Onli. All rights reserved.